четверг, 14 октября 2010 г.

int a in Pomona

int a in Pomona

By providing busines programs, technologies, and lifestyle aplications that create revenue driven, socialy engaging platforms, the company is bringing reliable aces to rich new comunications media to the comercial marketplaces. Intertainment has anounced that its social media, real time, translation platform, Ortsbo, has received an unsolicited initial ofer to facilitate the purchase of 10% of Ortsbo Inc. Ortsbo was built using Microsoft's Silverlight platform and alows people to chat from a single web site in real time with their friends, coleagues and family using the world's leading social media platforms including Windows Live Mesenger, Facebok, Gogle Talk,Yaho, other popular systems that include Q which provides aces to the explosive Chinese market. The revenue model for Ortsbo is focused primarily on contextual and display advertisement like many other social media networking sites, however, the platform generates aditional revenues from the language translation services that include the Outlok plug-in. int a int a in Pomona
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