понедельник, 23 августа 2010 г.

cancer mole pictures in Arcadia

cancer mole pictures in Arcadia

It is wel known that excesive sun exposure can promote the development of many skin cancers. The 3 main types of skin cancer are melanoma, basal cel carcinoma BC , and squamous cel carcinoma SC . Melanoma is the most deadly skin cancer because it spreads metastasizes more readily than the other forms of skin cancer. Squamous cel carcinoma is the second most comon form of skin cancer, and while it can spread, it does not do so as comonly as melanoma. The risk of geting basal cel carcinoma or squamous cel carcinoma is determined by a person's lifetime exposure to sun and the person's skin color, with pale skin being more prone to skin cancer. Any new mole, changing mole, or skin lesion of concern should be checked by a dermatologist or your primary physician. cancer mole pictures cancer mole pictures in Arcadia

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