четверг, 25 ноября 2010 г.

Secret christmas day plate

christmas day plate

Women can on average gain 7 pounds over Christmas - enough to make your best pants too tight or move you up to the next higher dress size. But instead of denying oneself party treats, here is a little guide to avoid all the traps of calories -pitfalls, and you will still slid into your jeans in January, no problem at all! On the big day Over Christmas Day, the average person gets though something like 7,000 calories. Among the worst offenders are mini sausages 60 calories each - more if wrapped in bacon , Yorkshire puddings up to 100 calories a time , stuffing 231 calories per serving and roast potatoes 150 calories per serving . Filling your plate first with low-fat Brussels sprouts high in fibre and vitamin C , broccoli the healthiest vegetable around , cauliflower lowers cholesterol , carrots full of skin and hair-loving vitamin A , parsnips great for digestion , and skinless turkey all the fat and calories are found in the skin, so always remove it - you'll save around 50 calories per portion .this way there will be less room on your plate for the fattier stuff, are you getting the picture now. A mince pie alone can contain 240 calories, so it's easy to eat close to 1,000 calories without even having another meal. But you can save calories with a few clever swaps. A couple of handfuls of Twiglet type snack contain 192 calories, compared to a handful of Pringles that contain 279. The average chocolate bar contains 220 calories, so eat just six or seven chocolates, which is roughly the same as a chocolate bar, or you can make sure its dark chocolate which has fewer calories than milk-chocolate. Quit Often we'll say no to the chocolate or an extra slice of cake but happily pour ourselves another glass of wine when it contains more calories than the cake or the chocolate. You don't have to be tee-total over Christmas but here is a few clever tricks to cut calories and reduce your hangover, too over Christmas . Steer clear of creamy liquors, such as Baileys 180 calories and 8g fat per glass and stick to champagne 111 calories, 0g fat per glass or Tia Maria 131 calories . Finally, go easy on the mulled wine - with 245 calories per glass that's more than a whole bar of Chocolate you're best off just sticking to the one glass if you can? Festive calorie swaps Just a few switches from your usual festive feast will save you hundreds of calories and a few notches on your belt, and help you to stay in your favourite pants. On Christmas Eve: Swap a gin and tonic 93 calories for a gin and slim line/ diet tonic 53 calories . During your favourite TV special: Swap a mince pie 240 calories for a slice of chocolate log 185 calories . At the cheeseboard: Swap a 30g wedge of Stilton 120 calories for a 30gwedge of Camembert 85 calories . When you're peckish: Swap a handful of peanuts 180 calories for a handful of olives 68 calories . And the important bit, ways to burn off all that food An hour of ice skating: 531 calories! Dancing at your Christmas party for two hours: 600 calories! A 60-minute walk around the shops doing last-minute Christmas shopping: 240 calories! Two hours of preparing Christmas dinner: 320 calories!
christmas day plate christmas day plate
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